
撇除南美地區,今年環球市場基本都有增長。 圖一係各大地區MSCI Index. Risk assets mostly finished April in goo…

撇除南美地區,今年環球市場基本都有增長。 圖一係各大地區MSCI Index. Risk assets mostly finished April in good shape. 商品係環球經濟復甦憧憬下,新高又新高。Economic recovery hopes began feeding into higher commodity prices. 同樣既問題係 Could Selling in May Be a Popular Trade? 圖二係HSI 近十年每月升跌百分比,都可以參考下。 Sources: Koyfin, Wind, Bloomberg […]

Power BI

How Much Does Power BI Cost

Are you considering using Microsoft’s Power BI for your business intelligence needs? If yes, then it’s a good idea to become familiar with the pricing options available and what capabilities you can expect from each […]