Power BI Conditional Formatting – How It Can Impro…

The conditional formatting feature in Power BI allows users to specify customized cell colors based on cell values, other values or fields by using gradient colors. 


Utilizing this Power BI feature contributes a lot of value to your visualizations. It also simplifies the way you showcase your data. 


This is one of the most requested features in Power BI, and so I’ll share with you some of my tutorials on how to utilize this feature. The techniques that I demonstrate in the tutorials are quite useful and you can easily implement them into your own models and reports. 


The first tutorial that I’ll show you is about using color scale for customer ranking based on their Total Revenue and location. I use conditional formatting to achieve this on a chart visual. 


Even more amazing is the fact that the actual rules that would determine these color codes are not even included in the visual itself. 


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I usually use dynamic grouping to change the visualization based on a calculation, but not in this case. Watch the video below and find out how I used conditional formatting tools in Power BI to showcase data on chart visuals without having to use dynamic grouping. 



The next tutorial that I’ll share in this post is about creating some custom conditional formatting in Power BI tables. 


In this tutorial, I take you through a range of examples using conditional formatting rules in Power BI. You’ll see that there is so much flexibility to complete an almost unlimited amount of conditional formatting. 


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I have the full video tutorial below for you to see and learn the techniques I use. 



Another tutorial that I want to showcase here is a trend analysis in Power BI tutorial that utilizes DAX and some conditional formatting to create a compelling visual of the report. 


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Showing trends and how they change over time can add a lot of value to your consumers and decision makers. In this tutorial, I show how to use conditional formatting inside Power BI tables to showcase this insight really well. 


Here’s the full video tutorial. 



There’s a little bit of DAX in this tutorial. I used some time intelligence calculations and a combination of formulas. If you’re just starting out with formulas inside of Power BI, check out the links at the bottom of this post. 


Key Take Away 


The Power BI conditional formatting feature can take your reports to the next level. It’s a really useful feature, but not a lot of people use it because this function is buried under Power BI’s other tools. 


This development of formatting has been requested by many users for a very long time. I hope that you’ve found this post useful and inspirational. 


Hopefully, I showed you enough techniques through the tutorials that I shared here in terms of utilizing the conditional formatting feature of Power BI. It can ultimately improve the effectivity and appeal of your charts, tables and other report visuals inside Power BI.  


Once you this one, you can also apply other visualization techniques such as the bar charts, stacked columns, and more. Click on the related links and courses below for more Power BI content. 


All the best! 





***** Related Links ***** 

Visualization Options In Power BI 

Power BI Data Bars In Table Visualizations 

Data Visualization Technique in Power BI – Multi Measure Dynamic Visuals 


***** Related Course Modules***** 

Dashboarding & Data Visualization Intensive 

Mastering DAX Calculations 

Financial Reporting w/Power BI 


***** Related Support Forum Posts ***** 

Conditional Formatting For Chart Visuals In Power BI 

Conditional Formatting 

Custom Conditional Formatting For Power BI Tables 

For more conditional formatting queries to review see here….. 


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