Decoding DirectQuery in Power BI Part 5: Time Inte…

Problem description:

Can we use a date table in Power BI for getting time intelligence, when a DirectQuery database does not have a date table?



I installed SQL Server Express edition on my machine and uploaded four tables – customer, geography, item, and sales.

Screenshot 2020-08-02 18.48.12.png


Data Loading:

Connected to SQL server in DirectQuery mode and edited all these 4 tables.

Screenshot 2020-08-02 18.51.47.png


We created the required joins between Sales and Customer, Sales and Geography, and Sales and Item. All joins have one-to-many relationships from the dimension table to the fact table.


Screenshot 2020-08-02 18.36.17.png


Date Table in Power BI

Create a date table in Power BI, as the data source does not have a date table.



Date = CALENDAR(date(2017,01,01),date(2020,12,31)) 
Month Year = FORMAT([Date],"MMM-YYYY")
Month Year Sort = FORMAT([Date],"YYYYMM")
Year = YEAR([Date]) 





Screenshot 2020-08-11 13.17.33.png


Join it with the sales table:


Screenshot 2020-08-11 13.17.50.png


Create Time Intelligence formulas:




MTD = CALCULATE([Gross Sales M],DATESMTD('Date'[Date]) )
QTD = CALCULATE([Gross Sales M],DATESQTD('Date'[Date]))
YTD = CALCULATE([Gross Sales M],DATESYTD('Date'[Date])) 
LYTD = CALCULATE([Gross Sales M],DATESYTD(DATEADD('Date'[Date],-1,YEAR)) )




Screenshot 2020-08-11 13.32.05.png


So, the conclusion is that we can use a date table created in Power BI for time intelligence.


Do share your experience with DirectQuery and let us know if you want to check out something different in DirectQuery mode.


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