Quantifying Burned Areas from Wildfires Using Satellite Imagery | by Mahyar Aboutalebi, Ph.D. 🎓 | Jul, 2024

Determining the burned area in forests due to wildfires using Sentinel-2 images with Python in Google Colab

Sentinel-2 images with different bands captured over the Walbridge fire incident, visualized by the author
  1. 🌟 Introduction
  2. 🔥 Walbridge Wildfire in California
  3. 🏷️ Method
  4. 🚀 Setup Google Colab
  5. 🛰️ Load Clear Sentinel-2 Images
  6. 🔢 Count the Number of Vegetation Pixels
  7. 📈 Plot the Timeseries of the Vegetation Area
  8. 🌍 Visualization of Sentinel-2 images for Wildfires
  9. 📄 Conclusion
  10. 📚 References

🌟 Introduction

Several years ago, when most climate models predicted that more floods, heat waves, and wildfires would happen if we didn’t take the necessary steps, I didn’t expect these unusual catastrophic phenomena to become common events. Among these, wildfires destroy a huge amount of forest area yearly. If you search for a table of major wildfires in different places, you will find alarming statistics showing how much forest area is vanishing from our earth due to wildfires.

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