Power BI Embedded Error: All provided principals …


For all Power BI A SKUs, we will usually add the administrator in Azure Power BI Embedded. Today, I came across a really weird error that makes it impossible to add or remove an admin although I’m having all the necessary permissions to the Azure resource (RBAC : Contributor ). And the error is something with a not very user-friendly solution, too.


Here is the error that I got from the Activity Log of Azure Power BI Embedded:



In this article, I’m going to show what is the cause of this issue and how to resolve it.



Seeing the error, our first thought is that the user which we are trying to add is actually an existing user. Then why is this error occurring? That’s my exact thought, too. Welcome to the Club! 🙂 But don’t worry, we can fix it in a sec.


The actual error message is very right, however, it is not pointing towards the user which I’m adding. The one of the existing Power BI embed admin user is deleted from the Azure AD (or removed from the organization itself).


Yep! The Power BI team is working to fix this error message to make it clearer to the end user. With this error, the end user will easily get confused like me. 😁


See, now we got what is the reason for this error. It is pretty easy to fix it. We must find which user is an expired one. If you are good at finding the old account, then it’s easy for you. If not, which was my case, I’ve to make a copy of all the users to keep it as a backup. Then, try to delete users one by one with the admin with the capacity.


You will get the same error when you try to delete the active users, so, don’t worry, keep on going, until you find the real expired user.


If you ever came across any such weird error, please let me and the community know, too. All the very best!


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