Automatic Translation of Visuals Labels



Automatic translation of visuals labels in Power BI reports is possible using conditional formatting, Tabular Editor and an Excel template. At the moment, labels are mostly titles. In the future, other labels will be translatable as soon as they will accept conditional formatting (visual header tooltip, legend name, …).


This can be achieved in few steps.


  1. Install an Excel plugin
  2. Load visuals labels automatically into Excel
    • the Excel plugin reads the report layout and collects labels in its cells
  3. Translate visuals labels automatically in Excel
    • the Excel plugin translates labels automatically for the desired languages. More than 100 languages are available
    • validate translations or delegate this validation
  4. Save the list of measures
    • save the measures list to a file which will be used in Tabular Editor
  5. Create measures automatically in Tabular Editor
    • use the file previously saved to create measures automatically into the model
    • deploy the model
  6. Modify visuals labels in Power BI desktop 
    • use these measures in Power BI desktop to apply conditional formatting to the labels
    • use the Excel file as a source for translations


In the following blog post, you will find :

  • a 4-min video for an overview of the translation solution 
  • a full how-to
  • all the files of the project including the Power BI report sample 


In a future post, I will explain how to manage the translations life cycle. This way, you will be able to maintain translations easily when the report will evolve (visuals creation or deletion).


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