Cbind is a function in R that allows you to bind columns / vectors or tables, not by joining them using a column, but by adding the column to the table in the existing order.
There are use cases where we would like to use this function in Power Query as well. For example when preparing data for a custom Visual in Power BI, since they only accept one dataset.
The Power M code looks like this:
(listoftables, prefixvar) =>
//Add Index
AddIndex = List.Transform(listoftables, each Table.AddIndexColumn(_,"Index")), //Add Index Key to each datapoint
//first column (original list, holds the XY positions, so we rename this column
//RenameCol = List.Transform(AddIndex, each Table.RenameColumns(_,{{"Column1", "xy"}})),
//each table with points had a empty record
//RemoveExptyRows = List.Transform(RenameCol, each Table.SelectRows(_, each [xy] <> "") ),
ToTable = Table.FromList(AddIndex,Splitter.SplitByNothing()),
// Name the dataset
Added_Index = Table.AddIndexColumn(ToTable, "ColName", 0, 1),
Changed_Type = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Added_Index,{{"ColName", type text}}),
prefix = Table.TransformColumns(Changed_Type,{{"ColName", each prefixvar & _ & "_"}}),
// get the max index per pointset
max = Table.AddColumn(prefix, "m", each List.Max(_[Column1][Index])),
//generate a list that will represent our main column to which we will cbind the others
maxofmax = List.Max(max[m]),
l = List.Generate(()=>0, each _ < maxofmax, each _ + 1 ),
Index_ConvertToTable = Table.FromColumns({l},
type table[ Index = Int64.Type ]),
//Convert to Table with our pointsets to a list, also contains the name of the set! (second column)
TableRows = Table.ToRows(max)
, // we will iterate TableRows, to current will reflect to row being interated,
//Index_ConvertToTable reflects the first state
JoinTables = List.Accumulate(TableRows,Index_ConvertToTable,(state,current) =>
Joined = Table.NestedJoin(state,{"Index"},current{0},{"Index"},"JoinedTableColumn",JoinKind.LeftOuter),
ColumnNames1 = List.Difference(Table.ColumnNames(current{0}),{"Index"}), //All Column names other than index
ColumnNames2 = List.Transform( ColumnNames1, each (current{1}) & _) , //All these columns with a prefix, being the name of the dataset
Expanded = Table.ExpandTableColumn(Joined,"JoinedTableColumn",ColumnNames1, ColumnNames2) //These columns exanded and renames to the prefix name
Expanded //The joined dataset becomes the new state.
ChangeType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(JoinTables,{{"Index", Int64.Type}}),
Sort = Table.Sort(ChangeType,{{"Index", Order.Ascending}})
in Sort
This function accepts two parameters, the first one being a list of tables, and the second one a prefix you want to give the table-name (which will be numbered).
In M you can create a list of tables like this:
{ table1, table2 }
You can run a test by connecting Visual Studio (with the Power Query SDK installed) to this github repository. When you run the code you will see these results:
In this code, you will notice some code that decompresses a string to a table. In this article, you can find more info on how to use this compression function.
Code walkthrough
The code consists of 3 main parts,
- Adding an index column to each table.
- Getting the number of rows per table. Using the maximum number of rows, create a table that is that long (with an index column.
- Using List.Accumulate we recursively join each table to the created index table.
Hope this is of value to you!
p.s. This article is a re-post from a Medium article. I am the original author.
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