Creating Financial Calendar – Decoding Date and Ca…

Problem Description: 

A financial calendar that starts from any month of the year, and Month No, Qtr No should follow the start of the calendar month.


Solution Overview:

We are going to create 12 Calendars. Every Calendar is going to start from a different month.  We are going to use DAX Calendar, startofyear, endofyear, and a few other functions to create the desired Calendars.



Both startofyear and endofyear do not work best for the year that ends in February. They create a problem with the year around leap year. So, I used some custom code to handle that. 



As Year Ending February poses a challenge, let’s start with that Start from March.






Date = CALENDAR(date(2015,03,01),Date(2021,02,28))









Start Of Year = 
var _eoy = if(month([Date])









Month Year = FORMAT('Date'[Date],"MMMM YYYY")
Month Year 2 = FORMAT('Date'[Date],"MMM-YYYY")
Month Year Sort = var _m = DATEDIFF('Date'[Start Of Year], 'Date'[Date],MONTH)+1 return if(_m









Qtr No = QUOTIENT(DATEDIFF('Date'[Start Of Year], 'Date'[Date],MONTH),3)+1
Qtr Year = "Q" & 'Date'[Qtr No] & " "& 'Date'[FY]
Qtr Start Date = 
var _st="Date"[Start Of Year]
var _Q = QUOTIENT(DATEDIFF([Start Of Year], 'Date'[Date],MONTH),3)*3
return date(year(_st),month(_st)+_Q,1)
Qtr Year Sort = year('Date'[Start Of Year])&'Date'[Qtr No]
Qtr Rank = RANKX(all('Date'),[Qtr Start Date],,ASC,Dense)





Qtr Rank can be used to find the Last Qtr Data.

All other Calendar will work in the Same Manner as given below


Calendar – April to March




Date = CALENDAR(date(2014,04,01),Date(2021,03,31))









Start Of Year = STARTOFYEAR('Date'[Date],"3/31")
End of Year = ENDOFYEAR('Date'[Date],"3/31")
Fin Year = year('Date'[Start Of Year])
FY = "FY "&FORMAT('Date'[Start Of Year],"YYYY") & "-" &FORMAT('Date'[End of Year],"YYYY")









Month Year = FORMAT('Date'[Date],"MMMM YYYY")
Month Year 2 = FORMAT('Date'[Date],"MMM-YYYY")
Month Year Sort = var _m = DATEDIFF('Date'[Start Of Year], 'Date'[Date],MONTH)+1 return if(_m









Qtr No = QUOTIENT(DATEDIFF('Date'[Start Of Year], 'Date'[Date],MONTH),3)+1
Qtr Year = "Q" & 'Date'[Qtr No] & " "& 'Date'[FY]
Qtr Start Date = DATEADD(STARTOFYEAR('Date'[Date],"3/31"),QUOTIENT(DATEDIFF('Date'[Start Of Year], 'Date'[Date],MONTH),3)*3,MONTH)
Qtr Year Sort = year('Date'[Start Of Year])&'Date'[Qtr No]
Qtr Rank = rankx(ALL('Date'),'Date'[Qtr Start Date],,ASC,Dense)






You can find all 12 Calendars here:


You can also find three calendars attached to this Blog.


My Previous Blogs –

Date Difference Across Table- Direct Query Mode, Decoding Direct Query – Time Intelligence, Winner Coloring on MAP, HR Analytics, Power BI Working with Non-Standard Time Periods and Comparing Data Across Date Ranges
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