Customer Analysis Deep Dive – How to Complete Qual…

Analyzing your customers is crucial for your business especially if you have a lot of customers. There are many ways and tools you could use to do this type of analysis, but Power BI is probably the most efficient analytical tool.  


In this post, I put together some of my most comprehensive tutorials around customer analysis using Power BI. This will serve as your guide on how to complete quality customer analysis in your own business environment. You’ll see how I analyze customer trends and behavior over time using DAX formulas and the power of creating great visualizations. 


The first tutorial that I’ll share with you is about drilling deep into customer trends. I work out how to find customers who are purchasing behind the purchasing trend. It’s important to keep an eye on how the purchases are going. Here I use a rolling total and compare it to a previous period, where I see which customers are behind and/or ahead of the buying trend. I use DAX functions including DATESBETWEENCALCULATEMAX and more. 




Obviously, your top customers are bringing the most of your profits, which is why you must make sure that they’re purchasing as they should be. In this customer analysis demonstration, I look at historical trends to extract this insight. By combining data modelling and DAX techniques, I see which customers are purchasing behind the buying trend in real-time and/or for any time frame I would specify. 


This next customer analysis tutorial examines customer margin contraction. By using DAX and several Power BI techniques combination, I can filter my data and discover which customer margins are contracting and why they’re contracting. Is it because of their purchasing frequency, the products they’re purchasing, or of some other reason? 


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You’ll learn from this video how you can drill into the margin performance of your customers. See which customers have performed poorly and understand why, so you can fix it going forward. 



This sort of analysis is perfect for your business if you want to improve your own analytical capabilities when using Power BI. You can work this out in a dynamic way as well. One example of this is when you have customers across different regions. You can select through the regions and discover which customer margins have contracted, in any region, over a certain time frame. 


In this next tutorial, I’m analyzing the purchasing behavior of customers between different time periods and put them in a visualization. This is made easy by Power BI where I can place filters and slicers in my report page conveniently. I can create compelling visualizations and see how customers are doing. 


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See in the video how I was able to make this dynamic, where I can click into customer groups and performance groups and the results in the tables change. 



This tutorial shows how you make effective customer analysis easily inside Power BI. The key is to set up your models well with the grouping technique that I demonstrate in the video. You can drill into specific customers and get valuable customer insights. 


Key Takeaway 


In business, you need to monitor closely and constantly who you’re selling to. Customer analysis provides you crucial data that could help you in your marketing and sales decisions.  


Power BI is the perfect analytical tool for this sort of analysis. You can extract these insights efficiently by using DAX, data modelling and visualization techniques in Power BI. There’s a lot to learn in this post about DAX formulas and Power BI techniques that you can surely implement in your own work environment. 



***** Related Links ***** 

Analyzing Customer Trend Using DAX In Power BI 

Power BI Customer Attribution Analysis Using Advanced DAX 

Customer Analysis In Power BI; Reviewing Performance Over Time 


***** Related Course Modules***** 

Mastering DAX Calculations 

Unique Analytical Scenarios 

Advanced DAX Combinations 


***** Related Support Forum Posts ***** 

New Customer Analysis Customer Revenue Lost Is Not ClearCustomer ABC Analysis 

Comparing New vs Lost vs Steady Customers Over Multiple Years 

Churn analytics – New Customer Analysis 

For more customer analysis queries to review see here….. 

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