YoY Retention is only focused on Year vs Year. The definition of the new, retained, and lost customers are only based on 2 Years of data i.e. This Year and Last Year.
New: Arrival of a customer for the first time this year is a new customer. Here, we won’t get any sales data from this customer for last Year.
Lost: If a customer had visited the store last year but did not visit the preceding Year(i.e. this year) then we call him a Lost customer. This means that in this year there was no sale from this customer. However, there was a sale recorded by the same customer the previous Year.
Retain: The customer who visited both Years(i.e. Last Year and This Year). There will be sales data of this customer for this month and last month.
We have 4 tables – Sales, Customer, Geography, and Item
We also created a Date table in Power BI with Month, Qtr and Year information.
We have 4 tables – Sales, Customer, Geography, and Item
We also created a Date table in Power BI with Month, Qtr and Year information.
Joined all tables with sales: 1 to Many (sales)
Using Time Intelligence, we will create the following:
Abbreviations: YTD – Year to Date, LYTD – Last Year to Date
- YTD Sales, LYTD Sales. This Year sales and last Year sales
- New: IF YTD is NOT Blank and LYTD is Blank
- Lost: IF LYTD is NOT Blank and YTD is Blank
- Retain: IF LYTD is NOT Blank and YTD is NOT Blank
YTD = calculate([Sales],datesytd('Date'[Date]))
LYTD = calculate([Sales],DATESYTD(DATEADD('Date'[Date],-1,MONTH)))
Lost Customer This Month = Sumx(VALUES(Customer[Customer Id]),if(ISBLANK([YTD]) && not(ISBLANK([LYTD])) , 1,BLANK()))
New Customer This Month = sumx(VALUES(Customer[Customer Id]), if(ISBLANK([LYTD]) && not(ISBLANK([YTD])) ,1,BLANK()))
Retained Customer This Month = if(not(ISBLANK([YTD])) && not(ISBLANK([LYTD])) , 1,BLANK())
Let us know what you think about these measures. Share your thoughts on Customer Retention Part 5.
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