In this article, I would like to share the DAX code to calculate the area of a polygon. The below image shows the result:
Here you see it in action:
This type of calculation is useful in case you would like to calculate the area of your selection. For example, in a GainChart. The bigger the area, the better. Using this calculation you can run it for groups of data.
The code for the area calculation (in accordance with this source)
_AreaOfPolygon =
VAR _Tbl =
ROW("X", [x1 Value], "Y", [y1 Value]),
ROW("X", [x2 Value], "Y", [y2 Value]),
ROW("X", [x3 Value], "Y", [y3 Value]))
VAR _TblWithRank = ADDCOLUMNS(_Tbl, "Rank", RANKX(_Tbl, SUM([X]), ,ASC,Skip))
VAR _x1 = CALCULATE(MINX(_TblWithRank, [X]), FILTER( _TblWithRank,[Rank]=1))
VAR _y1 = CALCULATE(MINX(_TblWithRank, [Y]), FILTER( _TblWithRank,[Rank]=1))
VAR _TblWithRankIncl = UNION(_TblWithRank, ROW("X", _x1, "Y", _y1, "Rank", COUNTROWS(_TblWithRank)+1))
VAR _TblInclMinRank = SELECTCOLUMNS( ADDCOLUMNS(_TblWithRankIncl, "RankMin1", [Rank] -1), "XPrev", [X], "YPrev", [Y], "Rank", [RankMin1])
VAR _ResultTbl = NATURALINNERJOIN(_TblWithRank, _TblInclMinRank)
([Y]*[XPrev]) - ([X]*[YPrev])
This is the code to create the dynamic SVG (mind this measure needs to be of the data category ‘Image URL’).
_SVG =
------------SVG - start code & end code
VAR _SvgStart=
"data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8," &
"<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" x='0px' y='0px'
viewBox = '0 0 150 150'> "
VAR _SvgEnd = " </svg>"
VAR _Tbl =
ROW("X", [x1 Value], "Y", [y1 Value]),
ROW("X", [x2 Value], "Y", [y2 Value]),
ROW("X", [x3 Value], "Y", [y3 Value]))
VAR _TblWithRank = ADDCOLUMNS(_Tbl, "Rank", RANKX(_Tbl, SUM([X]), ,ASC,Dense))
VAR _x1 = CALCULATE(MINX(_TblWithRank, [X]), FILTER( _TblWithRank,[Rank]=1))
VAR _y1 = CALCULATE(MINX(_TblWithRank, [Y]), FILTER( _TblWithRank,[Rank]=1))
VAR _InnerPoints = CONCATENATEX(FILTER(_TblWithRank, [Rank]>1), [X] & "," & [Y] & " ")
VAR _SvgContent = " <polyline points=""&_x1&","&_y1& " " &_InnerPoints&_x1&","&_y1&"" style="fill:red;stroke:black;stroke-width:3" />"
// CONCATENATEX(_Tbl,[X] & "
// ")
// CONCATENATEX(_TblWithRank, [X] & " r: " & [Rank] & "
// ")
The file is attached.
Hope that you find it useful.
Kind regards, Steve.
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