Hierarchical axis by default – Microsoft Fabric Community


In September version of Desktop, some updates have been made compared with the August version, This blog is about the update introduction of multiple fields on the grouped x-axis.


When we have subcategories that are specific to individual category fields or sequential subcategories such as more granular dates, we can deal with this situation by grouped x-axis.


New features:

Expand to lowest level: When you add new field to the x-axis field, visual will be expanded to lowest level.

1.gifIn August version, when you add a new field to the X-axis field, visual does not actively drill down, you need to manually drill down to the next level.


Concatenate labels: The September version of Concatenate labels option is disabled by default. When you turn on this option, the value in x-axis display with concatenate form.


In August version, this option is enabled by default, but this option does not take effect. If you want the value in x-axis display with concatenate form, you need drill down to lowest level manually.


September version :


August version :




Sort behavior : Sort the visual by the axis fields rather than by value fields .



Differences :


Defaults Before Sept 2022

Defaults After Sept 2022

Expand to lowest level

Users must manually expand the visual when adding new fields in x-axis.

Expand to lowest level automatically when :

·         the visual supports hierarchy axis

·         the axis is a categorical or datetime axis (note that numerical fields become categorical when they’re not the top level of a hierarchy)

Concatenate labels

On by default

Off by default

Sort behavior

Sort by measure when the user has not explicitly set a sort.

Sort by category when :

·         the visual supports hierarchy axis

·         when the visual is expanded down in any way

·         user has not explicitly set a sort

·         an authoring action is taken (like adding or removing a field; notably, not manually expanding the visual)

Otherwise, sort by measure (or by user-set sort)



Author: Ye Tao

Reviewer: Kerry Wang & Ula Huang

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