How To Advance In Data Science. My tips and experience to become a high… | by Egor Howell | Mar, 2024

Photo by David Gavi on Unsplash

An idea that the book Atomic Habits (by James Clear) made popular is that improving 1% every day greatly compounds over time.

  • 1% improvement every day is 1.01³⁶⁵ ~ 38
  • 1% decline every day is 0.99⁹³⁶⁵ ~ 0.026
Diagram by author.

By making small positive choices each day as a data scientist, your progress will compound, pushing you into that elite tier.

Ok sure, this sounds nice on paper, but what can you do to implement this in practice?

Well, the best way is to learn something new each day. It doesn’t matter how small it is, if you are picking up knowledge every single day, needless to say, this will benefit you in the long term.

I can give you some examples to try:

  • Instead of Pandas, use a package like Polars or Spark to learn a new data manipulation framework.
  • Write aliases for any terminal or command line prompts you frequently use.
  • When doing a code…

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