I want to inspire you today with some awesome navigation ideas for Power BI applications and reports through the outputs made in our amazing Enterprise DNA community. I’m going to highlight some of the best reports that are created by Alex, one our Enterprise DNA experts.
We’re seeing a lot of high-quality Power BI reports and development in the community. And so, I want to showcase to you how they’re done and hopefully motivate you to do the same with your reports.
The first report that I want to show you is this pandemic report and dashboard. Alex created this for one of our recent Power BI challenges. There are so many amazing features embedded into this report.
The data set was around COVID-19 and we’re trying to evaluate how each country is coping in terms of the pandemic. Alex used bookmarks and tooltips here so we can easily drill into the data. He also did some customization on the charts and other incredible visualization techniques.
This is one of the best Power BI reports I’ve seen developed in Power BI desktop. The navigation experience is quite impressive as well as the visual appeal. It’s packed with information. The way the details are placed is just so seamless and compelling.
Watch the full video below to see how he did it.
Here’s another remarkable Power BI report navigation made by Alex. It’s such a unique report design, which is different from the normal way that you would think Power BI can do it.
The data set for this report was from insurance complaints. Alex summarized the KPIs (key information) and built a simple chart on the distribution of the complaints across all channels that the insurance company sells through.
These tooltips and bookmarks utilized in this report create this seamless and superb navigation experience. Every minute thing and detail embedded here made this report really compelling. You can watch the full video tutorial below.
Lastly, I want to show you the report that I made for a Power BI challenge as well. I really wanted to challenge myself to build a superior Power BI report navigation experience, and here it is.
If you look at the entire report, it doesn’t look like there are any separate pages within the report. It looks like one seamless web application. We can click through within the report to different report pages, just like we would in a web application.
This is something that you might find on a well-designed website and we can now do that within Power BI. It only takes a bit of your creativity and imagination. Here’s the full video tutorial.
Key Take Away
With Power BI, you can literally build the most incredible application-like reports that provide amazing navigation experience. I hope you will find inspiration from the reports that I showcased here and use the same techniques and visualization in your own reports.
You can easily achieve a one-page report with high-quality navigation using bookmarks and tooltips. Check out the links below for more related content.
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Power BI Bookmarks To Change Views On Report Page
Interactive Reports In Power BI | Enterprise DNA Tutorial
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