Known Error categorized knowledge base articles outline an issue that has been confirmed as a defect by our Product Engineering or Development teams and a fix is either being developed or is available.
Use the filtering options next time you are searching the SAP Knowledge base on SAP for Me and filter on KBA Category “Known Error” and a Product to see a list of Known Error KBAs for that product:
Here is a breakdown of our KBA Categories to help with your future KBA searches:
- How-to: Provides procedural information on how to do something specific, supplemental to SAP Help Portal documentation.
- Bug Filed: References issues that do not yet have a root cause and are currently under investigation. These could be issues that support suspects are defects, but need additional analysis.
- Known Error: The issue outlined has been confirmed as a defect and a fix is either being developed or is available.
- Problem: Addresses a specific break/fix scenario. This could be a problem caused by a misconfiguration, unexpected use of the product causing an error, or other workflows that are causing a problem.
- Product Enhancement: Used to document product enhancement requests, or issues caused by product limitations or expected behaviors that would need an enhancement request to change
Important Notes:
- SAP Products that use SAP Notes to document defects and deliver fixes will not have the “Known Error” category.
- Not all defects will have a Known Error KBA: KBAs are typically created by Product Support to answer frequently asked questions and for troubleshooting information to help our customers & partners self-solve problems without having to raise a support request. If a defect could potentially impact many customers, a Known Error KBA could be created to raise awareness that a solution is in the works or is available. If the Known Error has a workaround, a KBA would be used to share this information.
- Some of our products, such as SAP SuccessFactors, use a “Known Issues” KBA to collect release related issues into a single KBA. Not all Known Errors will be included in these Known Issues KBAs because Known Errors can be created at any point during a product’s lifecycle. “Known Issues” KBAs will be limited to those related to the upcoming product release version and meet certain criteria regarding impact.
Please be sure to leave a helpful/not helpful rating on KBAs you view, and comments if you have a moment to spare, to help us with our continuous knowledge base improvement efforts.
Thank you!
Knowledge Management Lead | PS People
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