we are going to compare different models for text classification and figure out which models work better for text classification, the models that we are going to compare are DNN, CNN, RNN
along with that, we are going to learn
how to use the DNN/CNN/RNN models to classify text in Keras.
how to tokenize and integrate a corpus of text for training in Keras.
how to do one-hot-encodings in Keras.
how to use embedding layers to represent words in Keras.
how to use the bag-of-word representation for sentences
let’s have a look at the dataset how it looks like that we are using in the blog and the codes that are illustrated we are solving a text classification problem
before diving deep let’s introduce some basic terminologies that we are going to use in the blog
how many words do we have in our dataset `VOCAB_SIZE`
how many titles we have `DATASET_SIZE`
The maximum length of the titles we have is `MAX_LEN`
to feed to the model we need to convert the text to some numbers hence we are going to use the “Tokenizer” class from “keras.preprocessing.text”
let’s see how it works
now we are using the “Tokenizer” that we have imported from Keras
tokenizer = Tokenizer()
integerized_titles = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(titles_df.title)
let’s see a sample output of using this Tokenizer
we “pad” the remaining text in the dataset to the maximum length so that the same size vector can be fed into the model
def create_sequences(texts, max_len=MAX_LEN):
sequences = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(texts)
padded_sequences = pad_sequences(sequences, max_len, padding='post')
return padded_sequences
we can see the sample output here once we tokenized the sentences and pad them to the maximum length as
now we convert the source of these articles as categorical variables we use keras “to_categorical”
'github': 0,
'nytimes': 1,
'techcrunch': 2
N_CLASSES = len(CLASSES)def encode_labels(sources):
classes = [CLASSES[source] for source in sources]
one_hots = to_categorical(classes)
return one_hots
let’s see a sample output of it
we use “create_sequences” and “encode_lables” for the x and y datasets i.e, titles and sources
for all the models that we are using in this blog we are using simple embedding layer transforming the word integers into dense vectors we are importing using “from tensorflow.keras.layers import Embedding”
def build_dnn_model(embed_dim):model = Sequential([
Embedding(VOCAB_SIZE + 1, embed_dim, input_shape=[MAX_LEN]), # TODO 3
Lambda(lambda x: tf.reduce_mean(x, axis=1)), # TODO 4
Dense(N_CLASSES, activation='softmax') # TODO 5
return model
we put a custom Keras Lambda layer in between the Embedding layer and the Dense softmax layer to do an average of the word vectors returned by the embedding layer. This is the average that’s fed to the dense softmax layer. By doing so, we create a model that is simple but that loses information about the word order, creating a model that sees sentences as “bag-of-words”.
while training the model we are using “EarlyStopping” and “PATIENCE”
which will stop training as soon as validation loss has not improved after a specified number of epochs mentioned in “PATIENCE”
EPOCHS = 100
PATIENCE = 3dnn_model = build_dnn_model(embed_dim=EMBED_DIM)
dnn_history = dnn_model.fit(
X_train, Y_train,
validation_data=(X_valid, Y_valid),
callbacks=[EarlyStopping(patience=PATIENCE), TensorBoard(MODEL_DIR)],
lets plot loss and accuracy over the history
we can see at the end of 25 the epoch we have a training accuracy of 0.95 and validation accuracy of 0.89 and each step in an epoch took approx 8 milliseconds
in the above model, we used
“Lambda(lambda x: tf.reduce_mean(x, axis=1))”
as an intermediate layer b/w embedding layer and softmax layer which acts a bag of words and does not account for the order of words
now in this code, we use a single “GRU” layer which now takes account of the order of words in a sentence
our human intuition now says that this works better than the previous model as the previous model doesn’t consider the order
let’s find out if intuition is correct or not
also, we set “mask_zero=True” in the “Embedding” layer so that the padded words (represented by zero) are ignored by this and the subsequent layers
def build_rnn_model(embed_dim, units):model = Sequential([
Embedding(VOCAB_SIZE + 1, embed_dim, input_shape=[MAX_LEN], mask_zero=True), # TODO 3
Dense(N_CLASSES, activation='softmax')
return model
let’s train the model as above using “early stopping” as above
EPOCHS = 100
UNITS = 16
PATIENCE = 10rnn_model = build_rnn_model(embed_dim=EMBED_DIM, units=UNITS)
history = rnn_model.fit(
X_train, Y_train,
validation_data=(X_valid, Y_valid),
callbacks=[EarlyStopping(patience=PATIENCE), TensorBoard(MODEL_DIR)],
Let’s plot loss and accuracy for the history of epochs
the model has achieved a val_accuracy of 0.89 and training accuracy of 0.97 at the 12 epoch itself and each step took 30 milliseconds
this is a keras model that uses a single “Conv1D” model as an intermediate layer between the embedding layer and softmax layer
this Conv1D layer also takes into account the word order in sentences similar to GRU unlike DNN ( which acts as a bag of words)
also, we need to flatten the layer after the convolution layer before passing it to Softmax
her as well “mask_zero=True” same as above we don’t pass 0 padding at the end of sentences
let’s define the model
def build_cnn_model(embed_dim, filters, ksize, strides):model = Sequential([
mask_zero=True), # TODO 3
Conv1D( # TODO 5
Flatten(), # TODO 5
Dense(N_CLASSES, activation='softmax')
return model
let’s train the model
EPOCHS = 100
PATIENCE = 10cnn_model = build_cnn_model(
cnn_history = cnn_model.fit(
X_train, Y_train,
validation_data=(X_valid, Y_valid),
callbacks=[EarlyStopping(patience=PATIENCE), TensorBoard(MODEL_DIR)],
let’s plot the history of loss and accuracy for all epochs
we can see at the 12th epoch itself we have got val_accuracy as 0.88 and training accuracy as 0.98 and the time took for each step in an epoch is 12 milliseconds
we can say although GRU took more time per step in an epoch it has better val_accuracy and takes fewer epochs compared to a bag of words(DNN) or CNN
our intuition that the model which takes the order of words in a sentence is better than that which doesn’t consider the order
for larger datasets, the GRU outperforms the CNN and Bag of Words model(DNN)
hence if I had to choose a model for real datasets that achieves better accuracy I would choose GRU and train for more epochs
we can see that the time for GRU( 30 ms) is approx 3 times that of DNN(7 ms) and 2.7 times 12( CNN) and accuracy at 12, the epoch for both CNN and GRU is almost the same as accuracy at the 25th epoch for DNN
but for large datasets in real-world GRU performs better as it captures more detail than CNN and DNN as GRU is designed for text datasets this time difference is worth spending
my order would be
GRU>CNN>Bag of words ( DNN) model
if you like the blog we can connect on Linkedin
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code for this blog can be found here
I have taken inspiration for this blog from Google’s ML repository
Kanukollu Goutham Viswa Tej
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