The COVID pandemic has greatly affected the travel and tourism sector, with the hospitality industry taking a severe hit. This is why many in the industry have become more innovative and used their data to boost their operations.
Data analytics helped the hotel industry get back on its feet by identifying customer trends, understanding a hotel’s weak points, and providing insights that promote overall profitability.
Since hotels regularly perform at lightning speed and create huge amounts of data, it is important to leverage these to gain real-time insights that can help manage everyday tasks. Data can be used to improve revenue management by measuring current reservations, past occupancy levels, hotel booking channels, and other KPIs.
For Challenge 22, our Power BI community dealt with a hotel revenue management analysis. Some of the submissions we have received were cleverly built and filled with stunning visuals that we had to give them space in our Power BI Showcase page, where they can be seen by thousands of users.
What Is The eDNA Power BI Showcase?
The Showcase page is one of the greatest resources that come with your Enterprise DNA On-Demand subscription. You get to explore various interactive Power BI dashboards from different niches and industries.
This is a great resource for beginners who don’t know where to begin their report development, and for advanced users who are running out of ideas and want something new on their dashboards.
It’s very easy to use, and you can quickly find what you’re looking by filtering the dashboards according to industries, job functions, and scenarios.
Brand New Dashboards Added
Here are the latest reports we’ve added to our Showcase collection. These reports are the winners from the recently concluded Power BI Challenge 22. They’re all easy to navigate and are easy on the eyes.
Any hotel manager or data analyst working in the hotel industry will find these reports useful, and will give them a clear understanding of their business. Make sure to save these dashboards and use them as inspiration when creating your own!
Hotel Management Report
This top-notch report design by Gustaw Dudek has easy navigation and made use of slicer selections to compare different metrics and buttons to change views.
Compared to his earlier submissions, Gustaw chose a lighter theme layout this time around, with a more simplistic report structure. This single-page report has three subpages in total: main view, breakdown by agent, and breakdown by localization.

Hotel Management Analysis
This easy to navigate and nicely laid out report by Gerard Duggan incorporates simple and straightforward use of color, cross-filtering, and variance of a report matrix. The addition of a notes page is also a nice touch.

Hotel Revenue Management Showcase
This very well-thought out report by Bolaji Olatunde is a great example of an explanatory dashboard – the additional context provided on the KPI, the great use of field parameters to add depth to the analysis without taking up any additional space, and great use of color to indicate page/topic.

Hotel Revenue Analytics
This nicely laid out report made by Jerson Andre Arrelucea makes use of tooltips. It is very easy to navigate, and has a well-designed filter panel.

Hotel Performance Analysis
This is a well-designed presentation by Wan Teck Chung that uses good filtering of data and a great background related to the hotel industry.

Hotel Revenue Strategical Analysis
This nicely designed report by Komal Bhatt showcases in-depth analysis using navigational tabs, dynamic texts, and visuals that explored revenue growth strategies.

If you want to be featured on our Showcase, make sure to join Power BI Challenge 23. Our data challenges are designed for beginners and advanced learners who want to apply their knowledge to real-life scenarios, get hands-on report development experience, and build a portfolio of shareable data analytics work.
All the best,
Enterprise DNA Team
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