Power BI Blog: DAX Queries Explained with Copilot

back to this week’s edition of the Power BI blog series.  This week, we look at how Copilot can now
write and explain DAX queries in DAX query view.

With the latest updates, DAX query view
includes an inline Fabric Copilot to write and explain DAX queries,
which remains in public Preview.  You can
now do the following:

  • Run the DAX query before you keep it.  Previously,
    the Run button was disabled until the generated DAX query was accepted
    or Copilot was closed.  Now, you can Run
    the DAX query then decide to Keep or Discard the DAX query
  • Conversationally build the DAX query.  Previously, the DAX query generated was not considered if you typed additional prompts.  You had to keep the DAX query, select
    it again, then use Copilot again to adjust.  Now, you may simply adjust by typing in
    additional user prompts    
  • Syntax checks on the generated DAX query.  Previously,
    there was no syntax check before the generated DAX query was returned.  Now, the syntax is checked and the prompt is automatically
    retried once.  If the retry is also
    invalid, the generated DAX query is returned with a note that there is
    an issue, giving you the option to rephrase your request or fix the generated DAX query    
  • Inspire buttons to get you started with Copilot.  Previously,
    nothing happened until a prompt was entered.  Now, click any of these buttons to quickly see
    what you can do with Copilot.    

Try it for yourself!


In the
meantime, please remember we offer training in Power BI which you can find out
more about here.  If you wish to catch up on past articles, you
can find all of our past Power BI blogs here.

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