Power BI Blog: Multiple Tooltips in one Visual

Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Power BI blog series. This week, we explain how to have multiple tooltips in one visualisation.

Tooltips are speech bubbles (screen tips) that
appear when users hover over an element (with the mouse, rather than
physically!).  In Power BI, the default tooltips
are small text bubbles displaying the focused value in a visual.  Taking that one step further, we can also
design auxiliary visuals to use as tooltips. 
The following Matrix contains sales and profit data across different
countries.  We designed a Pie chart
breaking down profits by different segments and used that as a tooltip:

However, what’s not so flexible about Power
BI tooltips is that we can only use one [1] auxiliary visual as tooltip for the
main visual.  Even when we hover over Sales or Units Sold, the same ToolTip visual will pop-up: the Profit by
Pie chart for the focused country. 
What if, we also want a breakdown of Sales when hovering over Sales,
without creating another Matrix?  What if
we want yet another different visual for Units Sold?

Well, that’s the subject of this article.  We will show you how to include different tooltip
visuals for different columns in one [1] main visual.  Throughout this article, we will be using the Financials sample dataset in Power BI Desktop, and you can download our
demonstration file with this link.


Custom Tooltip

Before describing how to use multiple visuals as tooltips,
let’s briefly walk through how to include one [1] visual as a custom tooltip.  Here consider the same Matrix with Units
, Sales and Profit across different countries.  First, we turn on the ‘Tooltips’ option for this
visual at Format pane -> Properties -> Tooltips:

In a separate page named as Tooltip
, we create the auxiliary Pie chart of total profit against segments.  Then, we click out of the Pie chart visual to
format the page, and in Format pane -> Page information we change Page
to Tooltip.  Also, in Format
pane -> Canvas settings -> Type
we select Tooltip.

Now we can go back to the main matrix and
click on the visual to specify the Pie chart as a custom tooltip, by selecting Format
pane -> Properties -> Tooltips -> Options
, changing Type from Default to Report Page, and selecting the page Tooltip

This way, we have the Pie chart on page Tooltip
as a custom tooltip, as shown at the beginning.

Multiple Tooltips

Now, suppose we want to show a breakdown of Sales by Discount Band, and a breakdown of Units Sold by Product,
when hovering over Sales and Product, respectively.  How can we achieve that?

Let’s first create the auxiliary plots.  Here, we create a Clustered Bar chart Sales
by Discount Band
on a new page Tooltip Sales, and a Pie chart Units
Sold by Product
on another new page Tooltip Units.  Note that we need to
create each of these pages as new pages, and not duplicate an existing page.  Otherwise, we won’t be able to link tooltip
pages to the main visual correctly.  For
these new pages, we again select Format pane -> Page information ->
Page type
and then Tooltip.  Also, we again go to Format pane -> Canvas settings -> Type and select Tooltip.

Earlier for the main matrix visual, we
selected the page Tooltip Profit in Format pane -> Properties
-> Tooltips -> Options
so to have the first Pie chart as a custom tooltip.  Now, the key to include multiple visuals as
custom tooltips, is to select Auto instead of a specific page:

Then, on each of the auxiliary pages, we
click out of the visual on to the page, and at Format pane -> Page
information -> Show tooltip on
we select the corresponding field.  For example, for the page Tooltip Sales, we select the field Sales:

Similarly, for the page Tooltip Profit, we select the field Profit, and for the page Tooltip Units, we select
the field Units Sold.  Once that
is done, we can go back to our main visual and pop-up different tooltips by
hovering over different columns:

That’s it for this week.  In the meantime, please remember we offer training in Power BI which you can find out more about here.  If you wish to catch up on past articles, you can find all of our past Power BI blogs here.    

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