Power BI: Conditional formatting the Pie Visual


Conditional formatting on Pie Visual 



If we open pie data color, there is no option for conditional formatting.

Screenshot 2021-02-23 11.34.33.png


But we have one for Bar Visual 


Screenshot 2021-02-23 11.34.45.png


Let us do some scale based coloring on Bar Visual 


Screenshot 2021-02-23 11.38.26.png



We can see Bar is having conditional formatting 


Screenshot 2021-02-23 11.35.06.png


Now change it to pie. It takes the color for each brand 


Screenshot 2021-02-23 11.35.23.png



But, what I want is a fixed color for each brand. So I created a color measure 

Switch( true(),
max('Item'[brand]) = "Brand 1" , "red",
max('Item'[brand]) = "Brand 2" , "blue",
max('Item'[brand]) = "Brand 3" , "green",
max('Item'[brand]) = "Brand 4" , "gray",
max('Item'[brand]) = "Brand 5" , "yellow",
max('Item'[brand]) = "Brand 6" , "orange",
max('Item'[brand]) = "Brand 7" , "brown",
max('Item'[brand]) = "Brand 8" , "Cyan",
max('Item'[brand]) = "Brand 9" , "Tan",
max('Item'[brand]) = "Brand 10" , "Violet",
max('Item'[brand]) = "Brand 11" , "Gold",


Now I can create a bar or table visual and use that using the “Field Value” Option, and choose this measure. 


Screenshot 2021-02-23 11.44.18.png



The same step, change the visual to pie now 


Screenshot 2021-02-23 11.45.25.png


You can watch the video for detailed steps 



Let us know what you think about this.


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