The August session of Power BI Dev Camp focuses on developing with Power BI embedding techniques in a Salesforce environment. The session will explain how to implement User-Owns-Data embedding in Salesforce using a Single Page Application (SPA) with client-side JavaScript code written to acquire access tokens from Azure AD and program against the Power BI JavaScript API. The session also covers the more challenging task of implementing App-Owns-Data embedding in a Salesforce requirement which involves creating an Apex class which runs in the Salesforce cloud and calls to the Power BI Service under the identity of a service principal. Campers will also learn how to develop Lighting Aura components and Lightning web components which surface embedded reports on pages in a Salesforce environment.
Prerequisites: Campers should already be familiar with the Salesforce environment and with developing with Power BI embedding. It is also recommended (but not required) that campers are familiar with the Salesforce Developer Experience (SFDX).
Date: August 26th, 2021
Time: 2:00 PM EST | 11:00 AM PST
Attendee Link:
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