Power BI Weekly Issue 268: 2024/07/23

No major announcements this week in Power BI-land, so straight onto the community articles. There’s loads of great content in the Data Modeling section in particular. First of all, Reza Rad has written an Ultimate Guide to Slowly Changing Dimensions. This is a must-read for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding about the variations of this common requirement. Next up, Avi Singh has released a new video on Power BI Data Modelling Best Practices – an informative video to watch if you’re looking to audit your data model and make sure it’s as efficient as possible. Also in the data modeling section, Alberto Ferrari has written an article on When are variables evaluated in DAX? – a great read if you’re looking to understand how and when DAX evaluates variables and how to avoid the common issues people encounter when using them. Also this week, Kevin Chant has taken us on a trip down memory lane in his blog From Power View to Microsoft Fabric. Just shows how far Power BI (and now Fabric) has come in the last decade!

Finally, this week the recordings from SQLBits 2024 have been released! Here you’ll find all the general sessions, including (but not limited to) my 20 minute session on How To Actually Make Decisions When Architecting a Data Platform, my colleague Barry’s sessions on Microsoft Fabric and Data Mesh – a perfect fit? and Turbo charge your Data Science workflow with Microsoft Fabric, and my colleague James’ session on Do those numbers look right? How to ensure quality, and avoid inaccuracies in your data insights. But I thoroughly recommend having a look at all the other great content there too!

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