Power BI What If Parameter For Data Models

This article will briefly talk about integrating scenarios into our models. We can do that by using the Power BI  What If Parameter feature. We can add this parameter to our reports as slicers or reference them on DAX expressions.

Integrating a What If Parameter into our reports enables us to create scenarios or predictive type analysis inside our models. 

Creating A Power BI What If Parameter

We can use the What If Parameter feature by clicking the New Parameter option within our Modeling ribbon. 

Power BI What If parameterPower BI What If parameter

For this example, we’ll create a parameter called Pricing Scenarios, and with Decimal number as its Data type. We can also set values for the Minimum (-0.05), Maximum (.20), and Increment (0.01) fields. 

Power BI What If parameterPower BI What If parameter

Lastly, we can automatically add this as a slicer by ticking the “Add slicer to this page” checkbox. Then click the OK button.

Power BI What If parameterPower BI What If parameter

As a result, we’ll have this slicer on our page.

Power BI What If parameterPower BI What If parameter

To view the data of our Power BI what if parameter, just click the Data view on the left menu.  

Power BI What If parameterPower BI What If parameter

After that, we need to select the parameter that we want to view by clicking on them under the Fields section. For this example, let’s view the Pricing Scenarios

Power BI What If parameterPower BI What If parameter

We’ll now see that it gives us a row with all the different options we can use to run a scenario or an analysis. In fact, this data or table is what we usually consider as a supporting table for our model.

Setting Up A Power BI What If Parameter

Let’s now discuss how we can set up a what-if parameter or a supporting table on our model. First, let’s go to the Relationship view.

Then on our model, we suggest positioning it at the left side. 

For this example, we also have another supporting table named Purchase Frequency. We can just position the Pricing Scenarios table beside it. 

We can now integrate a new logic inside this table. We can also integrate the values in this table into our calculations. For this sample model, we can integrate our Pricing Scenarios table into the Sales table because it has a column called Unit Price.

As you can see, our Pricing Scenarios table and the Sales table don’t have a direct relationship. Hence, the Pricing Scenarios table only serves as a supporting table for our model.

***** Related Links *****
Dynamic Segmentation With Dynamic Parameters
Changing File Location Using A Query Parameter In Power BI
M Function For Date Table – How To Add A Parameter In The Query Editor


To sum up, we had a brief overview on how we can integrate Power BI what if parameters for creating scenarios and analysis. We’re also able to create a sample supporting table to reinforce the analysis and visualizations that we want to run on our model. 

You can learn more about this by checking out our course on Data Transformations and Modeling. We included that in the list of relevant links below.

All the best,


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