Unable to connect to Power BI Service datasets fro…


Unable to connect to Power BI Service datasets from Power BI Desktop


Cannot load model.We couldn’t connect to model in Power Bl Service. The dataset may have been deleted, renamed or it is possible that don’t have permission to it.No OLE DB Error Information found.


Possible Cause: 

The possible reasons for the above error could be: –

  1. The workspace in which the dataset resides is a V1 Workspace. For V1 workspace or classic workspace, only members of that workspace build reports on your dataset. If the dataset’s build permission is explicitly added via methods mentioned here, the dataset would throw an error like above.
  2. An older version of Power BI Desktop. As of now, we do not see the issue in Sept, 2020 Desktop.
  3. Another possible reason could be RLS. Remove the RLS from the report or add the user in the RLS and check again. RLS can be identified if we collect a Fiddler trace and see error : “HTTP/1.1 500 Error in Convert model’s roles to string” ” in the Fiddler trace


To workaround the issue, try connecting to the dataset from Power BI service -> My workspace -> Get Dataset -> Published Datasets -> Choose the dataset



  1. If we are using Classic workspace, add user as a Member of the workspace so that user can create a live connection to the dataset from Power BI Desktop
  2. Else, upgrade to V2 workspace and give the user build permission to the dataset
  3. Add user in RLS security of Power BI Service. The dataset owner should test the RLS security when trying to use it for the user. Reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/admin/service-admin-rls#validating-the-role-within-the-pow…



Additional Reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/connect-data/desktop-report-lifecycle-datasets#connect-to-…



Author :Srishti Sharma

Reviewer: Mounika Narayana Reddy

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