Unique Analysis Around Your Customers That Can Be …

Analyzing customers is one of the key things in business. Understanding how they behave, why they purchase certain products, or why they stopped buying, etc. can help in your marketing efforts and sales strategies.  


There are so many unique analyses you can do with regard to your customers using Power BI. Previously, customer analysis used to be so difficult, costly, and time-consuming. But now, thanks to Power BI, you can get great customer insights quickly and effectively. 


I showcased the analytical power of Power BI in my tutorials and blogs, many of which covered customer analysis. I would like to share with you three of my tutorials that showcase unique customer analysis. 


The first tutorial is about understanding your customer base, whether they’re new or existing customers. I demonstrate how to achieve this high-quality analysis using advanced DAX in Power BI. You can watch the full video tutorial below. 



In this tutorial, I go through the DAX calculations. One calculates if a customer is new, and the other calculates the number of people who are already customers or who have previously purchased  in a prior period. 


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This type of customer analysis helps you evaluate your sales attribution. You’ll find out whether many of your sales are coming from new customers or from your existing customers. You’ll know whether you’re adding consistent value to your customers or not. 


This is quite advanced and implementing this in Power BI is not that easy. But this is so powerful from an analytical point of view. The insights that you can derive are incredible. Once you understand the DAX formula used, you can implement it effectively. 


This next tutorial that I want you to watch is about calculating the number of customers you sell to through time. Here I emphasized the DAX function, DISTINCTCOUNT



Understanding how to work around your data model is crucial in this demonstration. I show you in detail how I set this up because it’s not as simple as just placing a COUNT over your Customer table. In this analysis, I showcase how the count of the customers changes over time, so the result will also be filtered by the Date table. 


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This technique produces unique insights, which you could utilize in many ways. One is via scenarios analysis. You could also visualize this insight, showing comparison through time. You might also want to cumulatively show the number of customers you have sold to and compare that to a previous time frame.  


I hope you see the usefulness of this analysis and implement it in your reports. 


Another unique customer analysis focuses on consumer behavior. This type of analysis is very important for many functional areas of an organization. This will greatly help in your product positioning, sales initiatives, etc. Here’s the video tutorial: 



With Power BI, you can dynamically evaluate your customers’ behavior, and predict their behavior in the future as well. In this tutorial, I work out the most common behavior from customers.  


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I run through how you can analyze behavior of certain elements in your data set. I analyze how much the consumers purchase, on average, based on the products through time. I also look at how many transactions the customers make on a certain product. 


The main thing you need to understand here is the iterating functions. Learn how you can iterate through a different dimension, and then analyze the result of their effect based on whatever context you’re in.  


Key Takeaway 


Customer analysis serves as a tool to help you reach your sales objectives and Power BI makes it possible for you to extract unique customer insights that are otherwise difficult or impossible to get historically. Such insights can help you determine your course of actions and decisions that you’ll implement. 


The key is to analytically think about how you want to achieve this in Power BI. Then, structure your model well (as I always mention) and create the correct DAX formulas. 


I highly recommend that you check out my blog and YouTube channel for more Power BI tutorials and content. You might want to start with the related links below. 







***** Related Links ***** 

Discover How Many Sales Can Be Attributed To New Customers – Advanced Power BI Insights 

Customer Analysis In Power BI; Reviewing Performance Over Time 

Analyzing Customer Trend Using DAX In Power BI 


***** Related Course Modules***** 

Business Analytics Series 

Mastering DAX Calculations 

Unique Analytical Scenarios 


***** Related Support Forum Posts ***** 

New Customer Analysis Customer Revenue Lost Is Not Clear  

Customer ABC Analysis 

Comparing New vs Lost vs Steady Customers Over Multiple Years 

For more customer analysis queries to review see here….. 


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