Where to learn how to use the framework?

If you want to learn how to master TensorFlow or prepare for certification, you can choose DataScientest. Our training programs enable you to become proficient in this Machine Learning framework.

Our Data Scientist program covers TensorFlow, Keras, and neural networks within the Deep Learning module. You will also be introduced to Python programming, Machine Learning, Data Visualization, and databases.

This training is available in an intensive BootCamp mode or as a Continuing Education program. It is entirely conducted online, with 85% individual coaching on our online platform and 15% MasterClass sessions.

Upon completion of the program, you will receive a certificate awarded by MINES ParisTech / PSL Executive Education. You will have all the tools you need to become a Data Scientist, with the opportunity to find employment immediately, just like 80% of our alumni. This training is eligible for funding through the Personal Training Account or the Bildungsgutschein.

If you are already a Data Scientist and want to further enhance your skills or focus on TensorFlow, you can choose our expert Deep Learning course. This program teaches you how to master Keras and TensorFlow, programming, and AI techniques like NLP and Computer Vision. This program can be completed in 15 weeks.

By following our programs, you can become an expert in Deep Learning or Data Science. Don’t wait any longer and discover DataScientest’s training programs.

You now have all the information about TensorFlow training. Explore our comprehensive guide on Deep Learning and our introduction to the Python programming language.

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