How to Create Row Number or Index Number for each Partition Group in Power BI using Power Query | Power BI Blog

How to get the Previous Row values based on Row Number or Index Number of the Partition Group in Power BI using Power Query

We have a Dataset with Fields : [Order Date], [Prod ID], [Prod Name], [Product Category] and [Order Quantity]

In this Dataset, we need add the Row or Index Number for each Partition by [Product Category] and Order by based on the Sum of [Order Qnty].

We can implement this by following the below Steps.

1) Group the Data by {“Prod ID”, “Prod Name”, “Prod Category”} and Sort by [Order Qnty]:

First we need to Group the Data, to calculate the [Total Qnty] for each [Prod Id], which gives the one Row for each [Prod ID] and [Prod Category].


= Table.Group(#”Changed Type”, {“Prod ID”, “Prod Name”, “Prod Category”}, {{“Total Qnty”, each List.Sum([Order Qnty]), type nullable number}})


= Table.Sort(GroupData,{{“Prod Category”, Order.Ascending}, {“Total Qnty”, Order.Descending}})


2) Re Group the Data by {“Prod Category”} and Sort by [Order Qnty]:

We will  Re-Group the above dataset by [Prod Category], hence we can get a Sub set or the Partition tables for each [Prod Category]. Next will add the Index No for each Partition Tables.


= Table.Group(SortGroupData, {“Prod Category”}, 

        {{Details“, each Table.AddIndexColumn(_, “Index No”, 0, 1, Int64.Type), type table}})


3) Get the [Total Qnty] of Previous row based on the Index Number:

We can get the [Total Qnty] value of the previous row based on the Index Number, as shown below.


= Table.AddColumn(ReGroupIndex, “Prev Qnty Details”, each let 

            vCurTable = [Details], 

            vPrevRowVal = Table.AddColumn(vCurTable, “Prev Qnty”,

            each try vCurTable[Total Qnty] {[Index No]-1}

            otherwise null





4) Combine and extract all the data from Partition tables with Index and Prev Qnty details:


= Table.Combine(GetPrevQnty[Prev Qnty Details])



Here is the Complete Power Query  steps used in the above Example.


    Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText(“ldFRa4MwEAfw7+KzoLkk6h63sb2VllL6Ij5kXZCAS0rM9vl7sb1MN0Ynwkngl+Pyv7bNZFEXUEKZ5RkDjnWv3o3D/8ugT8E7a04jnmTW5RE3/8H8hllJGrjAetCD/jKjcfbXFbH+CtAVlmYSEutG2T7O9Oo/TYiQlSThjqwI8jRFHeGTsvjNJeXBRJJTy63Hnnqc05qo/KaA9fF8HvQcNgSrOzCFlbbBRYV154IK8UFH3eug3ga9eNQDaSGjflbeu/BTN6t6p2ghLUHAlIO9rmyhKTRIexBTvAf38Ufv7gI=“, BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)),

 let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [#”Order Date” = _t, 

#”Prod ID” = _t, #”Prod Name” = _t, #”Prod Category” = _t, #”Order Qnty” = _t]),

#”Changed Type” = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{“Order Date”, type date}, {“Prod ID”, Int64.Type}, {“Prod Name”, type text}, {“Prod Category”, type text}, {“Order Qnty”, Int64.Type}}),

GroupData = Table.Group(#”Changed Type”, {“Prod ID”, “Prod Name”, “Prod Category”}, {{“Total Qnty”, each List.Sum([Order Qnty]), type nullable number}}),

SortGroupData = Table.Sort(GroupData,{{“Prod Category”, Order.Ascending}, {“Total Qnty”, Order.Descending}}),

ReGroupIndex = Table.Group(SortGroupData, {“Prod Category”},  {{“Details”, each Table.AddIndexColumn(_, “Index No”, 0, 1, Int64.Type), type table}}),

GetPrevQnty = Table.AddColumn(ReGroupIndex, “Prev Qnty Details”, each let 

            vCurTable = [Details], 

            vPrevRowVal = Table.AddColumn(vCurTable, “Prev Qnty”,

            each try vCurTable[Total Qnty] {[Index No]-1}

            otherwise null





DataWithIndexDetails = Table.Combine(GetPrevQnty[Prev Qnty Details])




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