VNet Data Gateway for Fabric and Power BI is now Generally Available | Microsoft Power BI Blog

We’re very excited to announce, that as of today, the VNET Data Gateway for Fabric and Power BI is now Generally Available!

The VNET Data Gateway is a network security offering that lets you connect your Azure and other data services to Microsoft Fabric and the Power Platform. You can run Dataflow Gen2, Power BI Semantic Models, Power Platform Dataflows, and Power BI Paginated Reports on top of a VNET Data Gateway to ensure that no traffic is exposed to public endpoints. In addition, you can force all traffic to your data source to go through a gateway, allowing for comprehensive auditing of secure data sources. To learn more and get started, visit VNET Data Gateways.

The VNET data gateway securely communicates with the data source, executes queries, and transmits results back to the service.

VNET artifacts and architecture

This month, we’re very excited to announce several enhancements to the VNET Data Gateway capabilities:

  1. VNET Data Gateway is Generally Available.
  2. VNET Data Gateway configuration updates.
  3. VNET Data Gateway pricing model.

VNET Data Gateway is Generally Available

Starting February 1st 2024, VNET Data Gateway infrastructure is Generally Available for use within Microsoft Fabric (Dataflows Gen2, Power BI Semantic Models, Power BI Paginated Reports) and Power Platform (Dataflows). This means that customers are encouraged to start leveraging VNET Data Gateway for Production use cases, and expect the level of support, reliability and quality that goes with a Generally Available feature.

We want to thank everyone who tried the VNET Data Gateway during Preview and shared feedback that helped us evolve and mature the capabilities to reach general availability.

VNet Data Gateway configuration updates

Starting in the next few days, we are introducing a new configuration setting to the VNET Data Gateways configuration page to bind a VNET Data Gateway to a Fabric or Power BI Premium capacity.

VNET Data Gateway settings includes license capacity picker

Binding to a capacity will be required in order to edit an existing VNET Data Gateway or create a new one. This capacity will be charged for VNET Data Gateway usage, as described in the following section.

VNET Data Gateway Pricing Model

The VNET Data Gateway is billed as an additive premium infrastructure charge, associated to a Power BI Premium or Fabric capacity. This means that it has its own meter and incurs a bill that is consistent across and additional to all artifacts.

Total Bill of running an artifact through the VNET Data Gateway = Artifact Charge + VNET Data Gateway Charge

The VNET Data Gateway Charge is proportional to your usage of the VNET Data Gateway; we define usage as uptime, or any time the VNET Data Gateway is on. A single VNET Data Gateway leverages two cores.

  • CU consumption rate: 2x
  • Price: 2x (CU Consumption rate) * 2 cores (per VNET Data Gateway) * $0.18 (Pay as You Go price for one CU per hour) = $0.72 per VNET / hour

That’s all for this month. We appreciate your continued feedback and suggestions around VNET Data Gateway enhancements. Please continue sharing it through the Fabric Ideas forum.

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