SAP Purchase Order Tables – Most Important (2023)

SAP S/4HANA Materials Management (MM) module has several key tables that store master data and transactional data. These core tables capture the critical information needed for materials planning, procurement, inventory management, and invoice verification. In this post, we will look at some of the major SAP purchase order tables along with other important SAP S/4HANA MM tables organized by sub-module.

SAP Purchase Order Tables

SAP Purchase Order Tables

EKKO and EKPO the important table which stores purchase order header data and line item data respectively. Here are the key SAP purchase order tables in SAP S/4HANA:Ezoic

Table Description
EINA Purchasing Info Record: General Data
EKKO Purchase Order Header
EKPO Purchase Order Item
EKBE History per Purchasing Order
EKKN Account Assignment in Purchasing Order
EKPA Partner Roles in Purchasing
T161 Purchasing Document Types
T024 Purchasing Groups
T024E Purchasing Organizations
T024W Valid Purchasing Organizations for Plant
T161T Texts for Purchasing Document Types
T160 SAP Transaction Control, Purchasing
T161B Default Values for Purchasing
T162 Field Selection, Purchasing Document
T163 Item Categories in Purchasing Document
T167 Number Range Management for Purchasing Master Data
T168 Screen Control, Purchasing
TMKS Calculation Schemas: Purchasing
TMKT SAP Transaction Control: Conditions in Purchasing
T024Z Purchasing Organizations

The key tables store purchasing info records, purchase orders, account assignments, partners, document types, purchasing groups, organizations, number ranges, screen controls, pricing conditions etc. These core tables capture the key purchasing data in SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement.

Below are the SAP Industry Specific (IS) purchasing related tables

SAP Oil & Gas Downstream Purchasing Tables

OIA03 Exchange item data – purchasing side
TOIA8 Purchasing copy rules
OIA06H Quantity schedule header table – purchasing side
OIA06 Quantity schedule scheduling table – purchasing side
OIH_J1B_PCK Brazil: Check table for tax codes in Purchasing
OIH_J_1BTXIX1 Tax calc.: ISS rules for sales and purchasing exeptions
OIH25 TDP additional checks for purchasing
TOIJ_EL_INCOMP IS-OIL TSW: Activate incompletion for sales and purchasing
S431 PURCHIS: (OIL-TSW) Purchasing document stats by TSW object


SAP Recycling Administration Purchasing Tables

J_7LC192 REA Data Filters: Splitting for Purchasing Transactions
J_7LC194 REA Data Filters: Transaction-Dep. Purchasing Data Filters

Below are the SAP Logistics purchasing related tables

SAP Logistics Purchasing Tables

CHVW_ARC_2 Archive Index: Batch Where-Used Data by Purchasing Document
MTM_ACC_V_CCODE MtM Accounting: Default Purchasing Organizations and Groups
TB2BC Trading Contract: Purchasing Grouping
TB2BCT Trading Contract: Purchasing Grouping Description
TWCBCPRULE_M WCB: Purchasing-Side Copy Control
S012 Purchasing
S080 Purchasing: Movements
S082 Purchasing: Movements + Stock
S081 Purchasing: Stock
S011 PURCHIS: Purchasing Group Statistics
S011BIW1 S011BIW1 * PURCHIS: Purchasing Group Statistics
S011BIW2 S011BIW2 * PURCHIS: Purchasing Group Statistics
S012BIW1 S012BIW1 * Purchasing
S012BIW2 S012BIW2 * Purchasing
S275BIW1 S275BIW1 * Transfer to BW: Purchasing Data
S275BIW2 S275BIW2 * Transfer to BW: Purchasing Data
LFM1 Vendor master record purchasing organization data
LFM2 Vendor Master Record: Purchasing Data
T405 Purchasing Value Key
FSH_SLOG_MM Season Determination Log storage for Purchasing Document
WRF_PRI_COND_EK PRICAT Inbound: Create Purchasing Conditions
DMF_PO_CUST DDF Purchasing Organization Customizing
FSH_GRID_ITEM Fashion Grid control data for sales and purchasing
MMSITEREF Plant grouping for purchasing
FIP_D_SP_PUR FIP — Area of Responsibility — Purchasing table
WSTN_PP_PURCH Prepack definition – Purchasing price table
T026Z Assignement of purchasing group to purchasing area
T026T Language-dependent purchasing area
T026 Purchasing Area
EDMMS Assignment of EDI partner to purchasing org. and plant
WRFT_POHF_EKGRP Cross-Purchasing-Group Purchasing in Seasonal Procurement
WRFT_APC_PSCD Item Date Settings in Purchasing Lists
WRF_APC_PLIP OAPC: Purchasing List Item Prepack Information
WRF_APC_PAPUR Planned Article Purchasing Data and Prices
WRF_APC_PLAS Purchasing List Assigned Quantities
WRF_APC_PLHT Purchasing List Description
WRF_APC_PLH Purchasing List Header Data
WRF_APC_IBID Purchasing List Inbound Interface Detailed Totals
WRF_APC_IBIT Purchasing List Inbound Interface Totals
WRF_APC_PLI Purchasing List Items
WRF_APC_PLPL Purchasing List Planned Data
WRF_APC_PLPOQ Purchasing List Purchase Order Quantities
WRF_APC_PLDC Purchasing List Supplying DCs
WRF_APC_WLPL Worklist of Purchasing List Items for Follow-Up Processes
TBSGT Purchasing Documents: Reasons for Ordering: Texts
EINSGT Purchasing Info Record: Segmentation Specific Data


Congrats!! now you have the most important list of SAP purchase order tables.

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